I do realize I've been neglecting this blog hardcore. It was a combination of not really knowing what to write about or how to do so and the fact that I've been a bit busy with life and e-life and other such things. But despair not, for I will continue to update this blog and I will attempt to do so more frequently.
So, my life right now? It's going pretty darn good, and I'm extremely grateful for that. Education-wise, Mathematics is still a spiteful bitch and I try to stay away from it as much as I can, but I do need to catch up on my Math grades, as expected, to be honest. The rest of my subjects are going pretty good, with History and English at the top right now; Both the Dutch equivalent of a B+, more or less. Not particularly because I'm good at them, they're just the easiest subjects when you have a mind like me. Why I really hope you don't, for your sake.
The rest is not exactly new and exciting; Same old, really. Still hanging with the same friends- Although I'm becoming increasingly more familiar with a girl called Laurien who's in most of my classes, and on whom I'm pretty sure aforemention Ryan feels something for, even though he keeps denying it. xD
E-life is fun as always. The Charmsians are going head-to-head again in the fourth game of Mafia- my third game, I'm really excited for January because it'll be time for Novel Writing Month- Fifty pages in thirty-one days. I will fail so, so, so hard. But it's a fun idea nonetheless.
More updates as they come~