The first thing you should know about the Dutch educational system is weird and impractical as f*ck. Every educational system has its irks and flaws, but compared to the German and even the American educational system ours really is bad and has the tendency to try and ruin people's futures/crush their dreams.
So, the school in question is not half bad. Compared to others, anyway. It's one of the, er... I wouldn't exactly say fancier, but we're definitively of a higher quality then the other high schools in my town. We also aim at more international studies; We're the only school to offer bilingual courses, of which I took one for part of a year. Didn't last for very long due to mathematical reasons. |D
I'm currently doing a scientific course, Biochemistry-based. It's really good- Biology is my all-time favourite subject, followed by English. I've been told I have a knack for languages and I was originally planning to go for a language course- Dutch, English, French, German and maybe even Spanish- but Biology and Chemistry are just too much fun, dangit! xD
But, of course, mathematics are getting in the way. I need to get at least a 5 by the end of the year (For the record, our grading system is from 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest possible grade and 10 the highest.), which may not seem like much of an effort but it is and screw you if you think maths is easy. Except if you're someone I know/like who is reading this. (Pst, that's you, Tun!)
I'm taking none of you have ever had Dutch or German, and maybe not even French. Trust me, you're not missing anything. All three have insanely impractical and nonsensical grammar rules, which I suppose can be said of any language- But in this case, it really is true. Dutch is the worst out of all of them. You see, this is why I love English so much- It's got such amazingly simple grammar rules, IMO.
Now, onto my friends. There's about ten guys I usually hang around with in the breaks under the large main staircase, where we eat our lunch and generally have fun. Let's just say they have a rather unique sense of humour, one that involves loud screeching, rapping in random gibberish and the occasional playful violence. To be blunt, we're rather crazy. I love it.
Then there's a couple of other guys, but the one who stands out most is Ryan. He's a very friendly fellow that I sit next to in most of my classes (Note; We have no set groups in this fourth year. Every individual has a different schedule.), who is great for a laugh and really, really hates it when I tap a beat on my desk. Which, for a person with an amazing sense of rythm like me, is inevitable.
I guess that's it for tonight. Expect more in a day or so ^^
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